For moms who keep it real.
Cards for pregnancy
Bring a little bit of real talk to the baby shower scene. No pastel umbrellas or diapered teddy bears in sight, just raw reality and your way of saying you’ll be there, whatever happens.
Cards for breastfeeding
Breastfeeding is hard. These cards are for the mamas who nurse their babies; the ones who struggle and make it work and the ones who decide bottles are their best option.
Cards for c-sections
Too many mamas struggle silently with the emotional (and physical!) toll of a caesarean birth, and those mamas deserve to be seen, acknowledged and supported. Good thing there’s a card for that.
Cards for birth
Birth is messy, exhausting, miraculous and mundane. A little bit of humour goes a long way to remind a mama that her labour hasn’t gone unnoticed.
Send a card.
Make someone’s day without the hassle of the post-office.
Pick a card, write a message, and tell us where to mail it. We’ll take care of the rest.